Download Call for Papers file HERE
IEEE COMCAS 2021 continues the tradition of providing a multidisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas, research results, and industry experience in the areas of communications and sensors, antennas and electromagnetics, signal processing and imaging, microwave devices and circuits, radar and microwave systems, biomedical engineering, as well as electronic packaging and thermal management. It includes a technical program, industry exhibits, and invited talks by international experts in key topical areas.
The conference will take place on 1-3 November, 2021 in Tel Aviv, Israel. The David Intercontinental Hotel on the Mediterranean sea offers an excellent venue for networking and the candid exchange of ideas.
Important Dates:
- July 1, 2021 - Proposals deadline for workshops, short courses and tutorials
- July 12, 2021 - Summary / Paper submission deadline
- August 22, 2021 - Notification of Acceptance
- September 9, 2021 - Speaker's Registration deadline
- September 10, 2021 - Final manuscript submission
International presenters are requested to send us their pre-recorded lecture as a back-up in case you are unable to join the conference in-person. Please send your pre-recorded presentation to the conference secretariat by Monday, October 4, 2021.
Discounted (online pre-recorded presentation) rates are available for international presenters that are unable to join in-person. The special rate includes the following:
- Pre-recorded presentation played during the Conference according to program schedule
- Re-recorded presentation will be published on VOD after the conference
- Access to conference VOD library
- Speaker's contact information will be provided after the presentation for further discussion
- Full manuscript will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore®.
Further details regarding submission of your pre-recorded presentation have been sent to all accepted papers. We look forward to our joint cooperation in ensuring a successful conference.
At least one author of each accepted paper must be registered for the conference by September 9, 2021 and the final manuscript must be submitted till September 10, 2021 to be included in the final program. Single registration can cover up to two papers.
Papers accepted for publication will be presented either as a 20-minute (including Q&A) oral session or as a poster in a poster session. All presentations require the presence of at least one of the authors who must be registered to attend the conference. The conference proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore®.