Oral Presentation - Instructions

Here is some information that will help you to prepare your presentation.

Kindly note that due to large number of presentations and the limited time available, running overtime will not be allowed.

Presentations should be prepared as Microsoft PowerPoint or PDF file at 16/9 Aspect Ratio.

Presentation template (suggested and not mandatory) - download



  • Files should be submitted on a flash disk (USB) to the technician at the Speakers’ Ready Room in the beginning of the day. Please make sure to download in advance to your USB any videos and other materials you wish to display from the web.
  • Please come to the session assigned room at least 15 minutes before the session starts and give the session chair a note how would you like to be presented. We highly recommend you to prepare a short Bio no longer then 2-3 lines, on how you wish the session chair to present you prior to your lecture.
  • It is preferable if you prepare it in advance and bring a printed copy with you.


Pre-Recorded Lectures (Overseas presenters only)

  • Recording should be sent by Monday, October 4, 2021 to comcas@ortra.com  
  • Please state your paper submission ID number, paper title and presenting author's full name.
  • Please add your contact details for discussion at the end of your presentation and also separately in your email. 


The technical program is available HERE.